Tuesday, February 24, 2009


TAA DAAA... May I present...
The Kitchen (angel chorus in the background)
It's been a long time coming, but it's DONE!!!
And I couldn't be happier with it. Don and I did the 'destruction' of the original kitchen, the electrical, the plumbing and he even laid the hardwood. Handy guy to have around, I'll say!
So, let me show you around...
This is the frig obviously, the sticker on the door is from IKEA. Pantry on the left with drawers and I stuck the microwave in there too.
The walls are painted with Ralph Lauren paint but a Martha colour: 'kraftpaper'. Love the bird I got at Home Sense. The granite counters are fab. The pot rack over the stove is great. We installed a vent at the back of the stove that pops up for ventilation.
Also got the chairs at Home Sense, my second home. Since there's just the two of us now, this is perfect for us. If the kid does show up for a meal, I guess we can squeeze him in there somehow...
I didn't have a double sink in the old kitchen so this one is nice. And so is the double drawer dishwasher. My old one hadn't worked in months!
This is my 'tea' spot. Everything I need for a cuppa'.
Love, love, love my buffet/hutch. I've never had sooo much storage and display space in my kitchen. The upper cabinets are lit as is the counter area. The old scale was used in Don's parents general store years ago. Finally, a perfect spot for it.The pantry doors were changed to match the other doors in the house. Don't pay attention to the plywood on the floor, it's temporary till we find something suitable for the entrance.This clock was perfect for the room, I can see it from the other end of the house!
This is the front of the island facing the dining room. They are lit also and have glass shelves for more display space. (Love my display space.)
I found this four tiered stand at Pier 1 ages ago.
I bought this for myself for Christmas. Sums up the whole room!
The little details... I had so much fun gathering up accessories for my new kitchen, most of this stuff I already had packed away for another day!
We covered the ceiling above the stove with faux tin panels, it looks great in this space.
Hope you enjoyed the tour, c'mon over for a tea sometime!


Glenda said...

Oh this is beautifully stunning. I love how you pulled it all together. You must love spending time there. It looks like you thought everything to a tee.

Congrats on the new Kitchen.


Anonymous said...

Everything is just lovely! And look at all that storage. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sue