Friday, June 12, 2009


Say it like Oprah, I know you want to...
I've been such a slacker on posting for quite awhile and I'm starting to actually feel guilty about it??? I've got sooo much yard sale stuff to show.
I always take a pic after dumping all my stuff from the car into the sunroom so that I can go back later and remember what I got.

Then I go and take pics of how I used all my new stuff...

Love this vase, it has raised roses all round the top. 2 bucks!

Thought this little decanter was cute for my newly painted family/beach room. Fits in nicely, I'd say.
This is so pretty, just sitting there...
I have a bunch of vintage baby things on a shelf in the guest bedroom, the little mousey music box goes perfectly.
And of course, I could not pass up a tiny gold tea cup and saucer, says 'love the giver'...i'm not giving it away!
This vase was just cool, actually it's a candle stick, but the shelf is not high enough so I stuck flowers in the top and it works!
So this was from the seasons first yardsale back in April!!! I've got alot more to show over the next few days/weeks hopefully!...

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